How to calculate net carbs?

How to calculate net carbs?

In the following article, we get to know about How to calculate net carbs? So please don’t skip the article from anywhere and read it carefully because it will be very useful for all of you guys.

How to calculate net carbs

The basic formula for calculating net carbs, including sugar alcohol, is:

Net Carbs = Total Carbs – Fiber – Sugar Alcohols

However, not all sugar alcohols are truly carb-free. Some manufacturers selling low-carb foods will list important sugar alcohols as exempt from the total carb count to make products appear lower carbs than they are.

Sugars are carbohydrates, and thus alcohols are not carb-free.

The net carbohydrates for food are total carbohydrates fibre

 Determine the serving size. If you eat more than the size listed, account for the increased portion.

Consider the number of total carbohydrates, dietary fibre, and sugar alcohols per serving. Calculate the total grams of each based on the portion consumed. The information on the food label refers to the portion indicated. If the serving size is 1 cup, multiply the total carbohydrate, fibre, and sugar alcohols by 2.

Add the total grams of fibre and sugar alcohols to the diet.

Subtract fibre and alcohols from total carbs to calculate effective net carbs.


100 g of strawberries contains 7.68 g of carbohydrates. 

2 g of these are insoluble fibre and do not produce a strong insulin response; So you don’t count them. 

So, 7.86 g – 2 g = 5.86g net carbs per 100g strawberries.

Low carb natural sugars

The solution is to know your sugar alcohols. The following sugar alcohols do not count towards net carbs:

1 Erythritol

Fruits like grapes, peaches, pears, and watermelon. It’s also found in mushrooms and fermented foods like beer, cheese, sake, soy sauce, and wine.

 Also used in the manufacture of baking products, candies, and sweets like chocolate, chewing gum, etc.

Also, present in many vegetables and fruits.

2 Mannitol

Maltitol is present in many fruits, vegetables, algae, mushrooms, tree bark and is also used in many sweet products like chocolate coating, candies, etc.

3 Lactitol

Lactitol considers low-fat sugar alcohol, so used in sugar-free baking, ice creams, chewing gums, etc., but more lactitol may be harmful to the stomach.

These eat low-carb sugars, so if you consume them, you dont need to add in your carb count. 

The sugar alcohols maltitol, sorbitol, isomalt, or glycerin are low carbs, so added in mostly sugar-free products like baking, chocolates, fermented products, and as well as in skincare and health products like aloe versa get, soaps, shampoos, and home cleaning products. 

Also present in many vegetables and fruits like beetroot, berries, apples, apricots, avocados, cherries, peaches, and plums, these are considered sugar-free products and not harmful for teeth and mouth hygiene.

Net Carbs = Total Carbs – Fiber – Sugar Alcohols + (Glycerin / 2)

Examples of low carb diet

If you want to take a low-carb diet, we have a diet plan that you can follow and make diet plans according to it.

  • Breakfast: 1 coffee with skimmed milk + 2 whole wheat toasts with your desired filling + 1 piece of fruit
  • Mid-morning: 1 natural fruit juice
  • Lunch: Green salad + Lemon chicken + Tea or digestive infusion
  • Snack: 0% yoghurt with pieces of natural fruit
  • Dinner: Vegetable cream + Grilled sole

Also read: how long to cook a stuffed turkey.